7 Key Features of Industrial Laws in India

Industrial laws in India form the backbone of the country’s labor and employment framework. These laws are designed to ensure a balance between the rights of workers and the interests of employers, fostering a fair and harmonious working environment. In this article, we’ll explore the Industrial Laws in India by highlighting seven key features that define this legal landscape. 1. Protection of Worker Rights One of the primary objectives of Industrial Laws in India is to safeguard the rights of employees. These laws establish minimum standards for working conditions and provide legal remedies in case of exploitation. For instance: Minimum Wages and Overtime: The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 ensures that workers receive a fair wage for their labor, while regulations on overtime work prevent excessive work hours. Health and Safety: The Factories Act, 1948 sets standards for workplace safety, hygiene, and welfare, protecting workers from hazardous wor...