
Showing posts from December, 2022

What does the Indian constitution say about divorce?

  Divorce is a significant decision that impacts every person’s life. Therefore, a lot of emotional and moral value is connected with divorce in India. Similarly, religion also plays a significant role in the complete process of divorce. Therefore, recognizing the need of people coming from different beliefs, the government of India has also made different laws for divorce approaches as per the religion. You can go to a  divorce lawyer in Delhi  to  get professional assistance with the divorce procedure. Today, in this blog, we will discuss the different divorce laws in India. Indian divorce act There are several religions in India, and people follow their religious beliefs strictly, so every religion has different laws. Indian Divorce Act collectively covers them all. It includes the Hindu Marriage Act, Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, Special Marriage Act, and Christian Marriage Act. It was developed and implemented in 1869 and has undergone several amendments ...

What is Mutual consent divorce in India?

  Mutual consent divorce means when husband and wife together decide to get divorced. This implies fewer complications and hindrances as both partners are ready. Several  divorce lawyers in Delhi  p rovide counseling for the complete procedure. However, before initiating the process, you should also have basic information about it. Today, we will discuss how mutual consent divorce happens and its requirements. Criteria for application The eligibility criteria for mutual consent divorce states that both husband and wife should agree with the decision to divorce. The whole point of this divorce category is to show mutual consent by both partners for divorce. Moreover, some other pre-requistes, such as husband and wife should live away from each other for one year. Both partners are unwilling to stay together even after putting in the effort. Therefore, the couple can apply for mutual consent divorce at least after one year of marriage. In our constitution, we have an elabor...