
Showing posts from July, 2022

The 5 Most Common Lawyer Types And When You Might Need One

  An Introduction A variety of lawyers are available to meet the needs of a wide range of clients. If you need legal counsel or representation, you’ll need a lawyer. So selecting a lawyer who can handle your case the best way possible is critical. As a newbie in the legal industry, you’ll need to know about the five most well-known lawyers in the sector and when you could use each. Read on to know more about  lawyers in Delhi ! Lawyer for Personal Injury A personal injury lawyer may greatly assist when people are hurt in accidents and require compensation. The financial benefit is typically required to pay for medical care, make up for missed income, and compensate for damage sustained. Having a personal injury lawyer on your side may help you understand how an accident and legal concerns influence your rights. They can assist clients through the legal system and get the compensation they are entitled to. Most personal injury claims are resolved out of court before a lawsuit i...

All You Need To Know About Court Marriage Procedure

  An Introduction According to the Special Marriage Act of 1954, judicial marriages are prevalent in India. Neither the bride nor the groom’s race, religion, or creed is considered when a judicial marriage is conducted. Court marriage is also an option for couples who practice two distinct faiths. Simply put, court marriage is a legal union between two people. Inter-caste and inter-religious couples may also have a court marriage. To get a marriage certificate, interested parties may apply directly to the Marriage Registrar. Here’s all you require to know about the   court marriage process in Delhi ! What Is The Eligibility of Court Marriage? At the time of marriage, the parties should not have been living together as husband and wife. It is recommended that the bride and groom be at least 18 and 21 years old, respectively. The people involved must be of sound mind. Their ability to offer legal consent at the moment of marriage should be guaranteed. Both parties should be free...